Description The Bornean Bay Cat is found only on the island of Borneo. Limited information is available about this cat due to a small population and their elusive behavior. The population of the Bornean Bay Cat is expected to decline by 20% by 2020 due to deforestation rates on the island.
Size Due to the limited population and their nocturnal and elusive behavior the study on the size of these cats was small. Of those study the head-body length is approximately 21 inches with a 15 inch tail. They weigh about 5 pounds.
Habitat The Bornean Bay Cat appears to be dependent upon forest areas. From swamp forests to lowland dipterocarp forest to hill forests of at least 1,600 feet. There was also an unconfirmed sitting on Mount Kinabalu (5,900 ft).
Diet There is no information on the diet of the Bornean Bay Cat, because it has not been studied.
Breeding Again no information is available due to the fact that a study has not been conducted.
Range This cat is found on the island of Borneo. Historically, it is believed to have spanned the entirety of the island but do to habitat loss is limited to various areas across the island.
Other Names Borneo Bay Cat, Bornean Bay Cat, Bay Cat, Bornean Marbled Cat (English) Chat Bai (French) Gato rojo de Borneo (Spanish)